Possible Possible Projects Possible
wannauto proyecto

Wannauto, experts in online sales of vehicles

For 2 years we have been working with Wannauto to facilitate the online sales of vehicles.

What is Wannauto?

Wannauto (www.wannauto.com) is a solution that allows buyers and sellers to carry out all vehicle sales processes safely and 100% online, from valuation and status checking to door-to-door transport.

The team of agents, deployed throughout the national territory of Wannauto, are responsible for assessing the vehicle and the network of collegiate experts collaborating to prepare a report on the real state of the vehicle. In addition, Wannauto takes care of all the paperwork in the DGT, fees, etc. so that you do not have to worry about any procedure.

The economic part is done through secure payment platforms where the money can not be released if the two parties do not agree and the keys to the vehicle have changed hands.

Wannauto offers, to greater than those already mentioned, a multitude of services to its customers. Some of the services are the transport of the vehicle, financing of the purchase, review and mechanical guarantee of the vehicle, complete report of the DGT, or insurance for the automobile. Wannauto looks after the interests of sellers and buyers through its impartial mediation, as both are Wannauto customers. Sellers get more for their car than the competition and buyers take advantage of a safe environment and unparalleled transparency.

Why Possible?

Wannauto came to Possible looking for a supplier to be able to develop its platform to suit them and particularized for the vision that the Wannauto team had of how it should be operational and how it should work.

In Possible we help them not only in the technological and development part, but we seek and incorporate into the work team professionals from disciplines such as communication strategy or graphic design that help in the part of the branding and corporate identity or in the preparation of advertising campaigns and dissemination of the brand, the contents and services of Wannauto.


The project

For Possible, Wannauto posed a different challenge, since almost always the projects and applications that are carried out in the company are platforms or applications for private use. They rarely have public visibility and are used by the general public.

Almost always, the tools that are developed are more for internal use or for use between companies only. In most cases the public parts are only a small part of the developments or applications that are developed.

In this case, the visibility is total, and the platform is designed in conjunction with Wannauto who are the experts in how all the operation works, from when a person is interested in a vehicle until the keys to it are handed over.

It is essential to know the sector, the market, the participants, the regulation, and the bureaucratic procedures perfectly to be able to propose a digital application that translates all this into a single software. In this sector, the Wannauto team are experts knowledgeable of all the procedures in the purchase-sale of second-hand vehicles.

What’s next?

Once the launch took place, it touches on the most difficult part, which is to help spread the brand, the services and to fill the Wannauto portal with vehicles. This process logically takes a while and for this Wannauto has a team of agents and salespeople who are promoting and spreading the message, values and advantages of using Wannauto throughout the country. This, together with the digital advertising campaigns and the generation of related content in the sector, will help to position the page better and get visitors and interested in buying and selling vehicles differently, with more guarantees and security and without worrying about the procedures, status of the vehicle or the payment/collection process and the delivery of the same.

So you know…

“Whether you want to sell or buy a car in Wannauto we offer you tailor-made advice. Sell your car at a fair price; buys safely and enjoys unparalleled transparency.” -> https://www.wannauto.com/

Did you already know the online vehicle sales portal Wannauto?

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Iago Ocarranza

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