In previous posts we have already talked about data science and what a data scientist does. That is why today’s post will be dedicated to delving into this topic, and why it has become so important. In turn, we will mention the main use cases of data science. How does data science work? Simply to […]
In today’s post we will talk about a topic that is at the forefront, such as Data Science. Do you know what it really consists of? Have you ever wondered why everyone talks about it? Next, we will explain it to you. What is Data Science? Data Science or also known as data science is […]
In previous posts we have talked about machine learning and how it is influencing our daily lives. In this opportunity, we will go a little deeper and explain the difference between machine learning and deep learning. The first thing is to clarify that both are specific branches of artificial intelligence (AI). We will remember that […]
In today’s post we will talk about a term that should sound familiar to you, Machine Learning. For this we will contextualize a little in its history. Did you know that in 1950 the possibility that machines could think was raised for the first time? Yes, as impressive as the mathematician Alan Turing may seem, […]